75 Years of Giving Back: Supporting Communities Through Volunteering
At the Gene B. Glick Company, we are committed to giving back to the communities our residents and team members call home. Volunteering our time, energy and talents is part of an effort to fulfill that commitment. We offer team members eight hours of paid Volunteer Time Off annually, empowering them to make a positive impact on the causes they are most passionate about. Glick team members have volunteered over 13,000 hours in their communities since 2015.
As we celebrate National Volunteer Week during our 75th Anniversary, we wanted to highlight a few examples of how our team members step up to serve their communities and what volunteering means to them.

"What inspires me to volunteer is being able to be a part of the change. I really love volunteering and making an impact on others and the community, no matter the task at hand; it is such a wonderful feeling. Around my community, I volunteer at food pantries, with local school programs and shelters that help women and children and the homeless. Some of the organizations I work with include Women Build, Million Meal Movement and the Boys and Girls Club. With each of these opportunities, I value being able to assist others in their time of need and support the philanthropic causes working to better our community."
- La'Kisha Green, Property Management Administrator

"The feeling of community engagement is what fuels my motivation to volunteer. I want to know that I am making a positive difference in my community and come together with those around me for a common cause. Some of the places I volunteer are the Carmel Farmer's Market, local 4-H and FFA events, and the Indiana United Methodist Conference, where I facilitate one-on-one conversations with clergy on their diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. I think the biggest takeaway from my time volunteering is to put yourself in the service of others – when you do, you're there for them, not yourself. In doing this and keeping this in mind, you'll expand your thinking and open yourself up to new and different experiences."
- Samantha Miller, Instructional Design Specialist

"I was a runner in high school but had not run for many years after, until my elementary school son and I did a charity run nearly 17 years ago. Ever since that time, I have been back into running. It was a way of proving to myself that I could meet the challenge. My motivation to volunteer stems from that challenge. I grew up poor, but as I grew into a more stable place in life, I felt compelled to help others, especially women. When I volunteer, if I can improve the life of another person, that fulfills me. I feel like I am paying back all those that helped me when I needed it. That is why I volunteer for almost every opportunity that Glick presents, run in charity marathons - like Race for the Cure - and look for opportunities in my local community."
- Tammy Sargent, Property Management Administrator

"Volunteering is a part of who I am. Volunteering makes a positive difference in lives. Whether it is providing a backpack to a child who might not have one or referring a person who needs help with a substance abuse issue, meeting the needs of those who might not know where to go for help is an integral part of serving the community. I volunteer with several organizations here in Jackson County, including the United Way Rock-N-Ready committee - which collects and distributes school supplies to K-12 students throughout the county; Human Services Inc. - which helps provide services, such as assistance programs and coaching, to residents of a 5-county area, including many residents of our property; and the Jackson County Drug-Free Council - which works with providers in our county who are on the frontlines of addressing drug abuse and prevention. I value the opportunities I have had to volunteer because it has taught me to work with others and consider their point of view, making me a more compassionate person."
- Myra Mellencamp, Property Manager

"I was so excited that Glick organized a team for the Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity Women Build. I enjoy volunteering because it's a great way to meet people (like my house framing partner Sam Miller), learn to use new tools (shoutout to Nan Girton for the circular saw lesson), and empower families (including the Lane & Smith families) through affordable homeownership. I look forward to returning to see the completed house with our team in a few months and volunteering again in the future. Thank you to Glick for empowering employees to volunteer and give back to our communities!"
- Hannah Riffle, Glick Philanthropies Communications and Engagement Manager