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75th Anniversary Employee Spotlight: Debbie Ernstberger

In celebration of Glick’s 75th Anniversary, we are featuring some of our long-tenured employees who have helped make Glick the impactful company it is today.

Debbie joined the Glick team 42 years ago and enjoys making a difference for residents and staff through her work as a Regional Property Manager. When asked what has kept her working at Glick for so many years, she said, “It always comes back to working with great people, in a productive environment, doing work that makes a difference, while being appreciated for the effort. I am proud to work for a company that stands behind their mission and cares for their employees the way that Glick does.”

Debbie enjoys helping staff members better understand their roles at their properties and ways they can grow and achieve their goals. She is also motivated by solving challenges: “Unravelling the problem and developing a plan is fun, but implementing the action to "fix" the problem is the reward for me,” she shared.

When asked who at Glick has encouraged or inspired her during her tenure, Debbie said, “There have been many excellent people and leaders who I was lucky to work with, including my current supervisor, Linda Orange, who truly exemplifies the caring, supportive work environment we have cultivated in our Glick family. I would be remiss if I did not mention prior role models, such as Frank Basile, who gave me good advice when I started working for Glick.”

Outside of work, Debbie volunteers with several organizations across Louisville and Southern Indiana, including the Home for the Innocents, LifeSpan, Community Kitchen, Southeastern Ministries, and most recently, The Center for Lay Ministries.

Thank you, Debbie, for your dedication to Glick and our residents over the last four decades!