Celebrating National Senior Citizens Day
In honor of National Senior Citizens Day, we want to celebrate some of our wonderful senior residents. The below residents were nominated by staff to be recognized.
Mrs. D. Young - Woods of Fairfax
I'd like to acknowledge Mrs. Young, during National Senior Citizens Day. I first greeted Mrs. Young during her walk to work at a daycare. That day forward, the greetings continued. All with a warm smile and the hope for a beautiful day. She said she likes caring for the kids, which makes her happy. Mrs. Young also likes plants and flowers. She comments on our flowers, which further encourages me to remain attentive to them, as the sight of beautiful flowers makes many people happy. Mrs. Young has a very wholesome demeanor, shows concern for others and understands the importance of a smile and a hello. She helps make Woods of Fairfax feel like a community.
Mr. Anderson - Hammond Elderly
Mr. Anderson has been a resident of Hammond Elderly Apartments for seven years. Mr. Anderson assists other residents in the building by delivering monthly food boxes. Mr. Anderson has also taken the lead in Hammond Elderly Apartments recycling program. He breaks down all boxes so that that the elderly men and women on the property don't have to. Throughout the day Mr. Anderson can be seen on camera helping others in the building by carrying groceries and pushing wheelchairs. At the age of Seventy-Three, Mr. Anderson refuses to sit around and that’s why he helps others so much, it keeps him busy.
Barbara - Carriage House Evansville
Barbara is always the first to offer her help in helping serve our community, her fellow neighbors, and volunteering for the Service Coordinator programs. Barbara has served for many years with our SWIRCA meal site, she continues to help anyone in need, with food, resources, including making dinner for her neighbor who is home bound and, in a wheelchair. Barbara is involved with numerous community agencies in our local community and volunteers for many.
Barbara amazes me daily with her positive attitude, her daily gratitude journal and is always smiling and never ever complains. She will take food from her own cupboards and give to whoever is in need. I truly have never met anyone like Barbara, she is a daily inspiration to me personally and many others. In addition, Barbara had a hip replacement a year ago and is now having to rely on a walker; she does not let that slow her down!
She gives out birthday cards to her neighbors within her building, consisting of 65 residents. When she could drive, she transported many of our residents to their doctors appointments, and the grocery store.
Victorius - Cambridge Square Lauderdale Lakes
Victorius has been living in our community for 21 years and he has always been a colorful character! Victorius is quite inquisitive and is never short of a question to ask one of our team members. He makes sure to have a joke on standby for anyone having a bad day and loves to tell a story about the “good old days.” When he isn’t hanging around the community you can see him speed walking up and down the side street getting his steps in. He’s always been one to stay in shape while sending a wave to a stranger—he is adamant on telling everyone who will listen that that is how he keeps his youth.