Glick Cares at Coburn Place
The Gene B. Glick Company has been providing safe, stable housing for over 70 years. Glick has long understood that individuals must have their basic needs met – like a safe place to call home – to reach their full potential. Through Glick’s corporate volunteer program, Glick Cares, team members are able to volunteer with organizations that provide basic needs – including housing – to vulnerable populations.
The first Glick Cares volunteer event of 2019 took place at Coburn Place in Indianapolis in early June. Coburn Place empowers victims of intimate partner violence to live as survivors by providing safe, transitional housing.
The Glick Cares team, consisting of 25 employees and their family members, tackled projects inside and outside of Coburn Place.
The team beautified the grounds outside by clearing debris, weeding and sprucing up the garden.
“Those gardens, playgrounds and basketball court are sometimes the only outdoor spaces where our survivors feel safe enough to go outside,” said Lauren Laski, vice president of development and mission advancement at Coburn Place.
Inside, the Glick Cares team sorted donations, created cards of encouragement for residents and cleaned the children’s services area.
“For many of our survivors, Coburn is the only support system they have,” Laski said. “To walk into a new home and see uplifting messages from someone they haven’t even met yet reminds them that they are home and Coburn always has their back.”
One out of every six homeless people in Indiana has been a victim of domestic violence at some point in their life. That’s why organizations like Coburn Place are critical for the community. They provide victims with a safe haven when faced with the choice of staying in an abusive relationship or becoming homeless. Coburn Place offers 35 apartment units on-site plus additional community-based housing options around Indianapolis.
“Thank you to Glick for all you have done and continue to do to turn our mission into action,” Laski said.
The United Way of Central Indiana recently recognized Glick for its volunteer efforts in the community and awarded the company a Community Impact Award. More information on the award can be found here.